What is the motion sensor model in the SK602 QH or SKQH652 system?

SKQH652 system

The SKQH652 motion sensor alarm & alert contains a main alert, a motion sensor SKQH652QKP3. This motion sensor works only with the SKQH652, not for other motion alert set we have. And the other motion sensor SK615 doesn't work with this SKQH652 set. 

The compatible AC adapter model number is SKQH652CHG. 

Please note that the SKQH652 can be operated with AC adapter alone, or on batteries alone. It cannot switch automatically from AC adapter power to battery power when AC power is interrupted. You have to remove the plug from the receiver so that the receiver can run on battery power.

Please note that we changed the model numbers as followings:
SKQH652 has been changed to SK602 and SK602G;
SKQH652QKP3 has been changed to SK602-1 and SK602-1G.

SK602 QH system

This kit contains one receiver and one motion sensor. The additional sensor is the SK602-1.

We have two colors: white & grey. White: SK602, SK602-1. Grey: SK602G, SK602-1G

How to order an additional sensor or add-on sensor?

Go to the product page: https://www.idealinc.com/en/home-monitoring/sensors/motion/sk602x-wireless-expandable-motion-sensor-alarm-alert

Select "Add-on Motion Sensor" in the "Pack size" menu.

Choose your "Color".