How Can I Fix My Sliding Patio Door Handle?
If parts of your SK800 patio door handle need replacing or repairing, we have your solution in a conveniently bundled kit – the LPPD800 Repair Kit that comes with Black or Grey spare parts.
These repair kits for your patio or sliding glass door handles include two caps and one button in a color respective to your chosen repair kit, as well as one spring clip and one lock clip. The hook that was installed with your SK800 patio door handle can be re-used.
When replacing parts of your patio door handle, you can use a small flat screwdriver to remove and adjust the retainer ring as needed.
Once you are done replacing parts of your sliding door handle, you can perform more maintenance and adjustments on your storm door closer with the SK25 repair kit, which features all the necessary parts needed to return your closer to perfect shape!